“A sky full of stars and darling,
you shine brighter than every one of them.”
Nicknames: | Age: | Race: | Height: | Weight: | Sexuality: | Occupation: |
Sey, SeySey, Pinky | 24 (ARR) - 29 (EW) | Miqo'te/Keeper of the Moon | 5 fulms 3 ilms (163 - 169cm) | 135 Ponzes (62kg) | Demisexual (Top/verse) | Adventurer/Machinist |
Likes: Adventure, Nature, Food, Music, Machina/Technology, Naps in the Sun, Animals, High up places
Dislikes: Mornings, Obnoxiousness/arrogance, Un-needed conflict
Pet Peeves: Comments on his height (or lack thereof), Irritating/Grating noises, Wasting food, Strangers touching his ears/tail without asking (with the exception being children because of their naivety)
Hobbies: Cooking, Gardening, Tinkering with Machina/ his Motorcycle/ Queen, Playing Music/ Learning New Instruments
Personality: Although Sey'ra is a bit of a shy introvert, he is kind and friendly to all, never hesitating to help someone in need. Being a bit of an optimist, he tries to find the good in others.
When it comes to decision making, Sey'ra is methodical and tends to plan things out instead of taking action first.
He is naturally kind and caring, making him quite talented when it comes to handling children and animals. This can be credited to his years of experience babysitting the children/ grandchildren of Orion's Belt.
Sey'ra isn't particularly picky about food as long as it is edible and does not taste downright terrible. Due to his size, he is also a bit of a lightweight when it comes to alcohol consumption. (While normally quiet and reserved, Sey'ra becomes quite friendly/amorous when drunk!)
Sey'ra generally tries not to curse (especially around children or in a professional environment) but may be a bit more lax about doing so around close friends. He will only do so when caught off guard, frustrated, or seriously aggravated.When feeling down or needing to relieve stress, he'll either go out for some fresh air or take a nice warm bath. He has the bad habit of occasionally smoking, but he's currently trying to quit.
Sey'ra has a bit of a complex regarding his short stature due to a bad experience with a past flame. The woman he had been courting abruptly ended their relations, claiming that he was "too short" for her taste. This cut quite deep and the topic of his height has been somewhat of a sore spot ever since.
After warming up to someone, Sey'ra may show a bit of a mischievous side. He has a love for mostly harmless pranks.
Pointless things Sey'ra can do that he's proud of:
✧ Neatly fillet a decent sized fish in under 2 minutes
✧ Do backflips
✧ Whistle
✧ Play back a tune he just heard by ear
✧ Sey'ra actually has a rather beautiful singing voice, but due to his coy personality he refrains from singing in front of others (although he is happy to play instruments); he does however like to sing to his chocobo, Cygnus, and may hum a tune when in a good mood.
✧ He tends to wear gloves due to the fact that his hands are rather rough and covered in scars (he's a bit self conscious about them). Being a machinist, he's often working on different types of machina and has had magitek contraptions blow up on him on more than one occasion. When not adorning gloves, he may cast a glamour in order to hide the scars on his hands.
Sey'ra also has quite a few scars across his torso from old injuries obtained in battle.
✧ His favorite food is Fish. Any fishy dish will do, although he is partial to grilled fish (especially Grilled Trout)!
Although most Keepers of the Moon hail from the Black Shroud, Sey'ra 's earliest memories are of Limsa Lominsa with no clear memories of his family or tribe.
This is due to the fact that he was found as a young kit in the arms of his mortally injured mother by a traveling pair of Adventurers.
An orphan, he was taken to back to Limsa where he was in essence, adopted by the entire free company. He learned various skills to become an Adventurer from the myriad members who became his new family.
They began to take him adventuring when he became old enough, although he travels alone now that all of the original company members have either retired or settled down over the years.
✧ Orion is not a traditional Keeper surname. When found with his mother, his rescuers were only able to learn his forename before his mother succumbed to her grievous wounds.
In the absence of a tribal surname, he took on "Orion" after the Free Company Name "Orion's Belt".
✧ Hailing from Limsa Lominsa, he does indeed naturally have a "Lominsan accent". He's mostly grown out of it, BUT it will come out if he's tired and/or drunk enough.
Lominsan Life
Sey'ra is quite adept at cooking. Having learned his primary culinary skills from the head chef of Orion's Belt, he took an interest in cooking and joined the Culinarian's guild to further develop his skills. Whilst he decided to go down the path of an Adventurer instead, he still visits the Bismarck when in town and may pick up a shift or two if he's not busy.
In the past, he also moonlighted as a barkeep at the Drowning Wench and occasionally visits the establishment to catch up with old friends.Sey'ra joined the Blacksmith and Armorer's guilds early in his years in an effort to help out his found family. As gear is constantly being worn down or damaged when Adventuring, he hoped to be able to better equip the members of Orion's Belt. This later lead to him joining the Goldsmith's guild in Ul'dah and eventually the Machinist's guild in Ishgard where he found his true calling as a Machinist.Sey'ra does own a small residence in the Mist. On days he is at home, he enjoys tinkering with a variety of Machina or performing maintenance/upgrades on his motorcycle or Automaton, Queen. He also enjoys fishing and may cast his line from the pier or climb onboard the Endeavor for a spot of Ocean fishing. Sey'ra is, of course, an avid Fishermen and official member of the Fisherman's Guild with his prized catch being a giant Mazlaya Marlin.
Brief summaries of some of the relationships Sey'ra has formed over the duration of his adventurers

✧ Sey'ra's mother, who delivered him to the safety of a pair of Lominsan Adventurers before passing due to wounds sustained from an Ixali invasion of the Tribe's village. He can faintly recall what she looked like.
"Cygnus" the Chocobo

✧ After being issued his company regulated Chocobo, they have traveled all over the lands of Eorzea together and the two share a deep brotherly bond.
Cygnus will not hesitate to attack a target if he believes that said target harbors ill intentions towards Sey'ra.
"Aquila" the Hunting Hawk

✧ While traveling Coerthas, he found her nearly frozen to death and nursed her back to health. Now she travels with him and helps him track/hunt game and monsters. She can be a tad bit possessive of him and pecks/bites/claws those she does not like.
"Sirius" the Cerberpup

✧ During his time in Ishgard, Sey'ra once came across a small group of children jabbering amongst themselves. Upon closer inspection, he found that they had encircled a small pup. It looked like an ordinary pup, aside from the fact that it had three heads. The poor thing had been backed into a corner; frightened and quivering, it bared its teeth in an attempt to ward off its captors.Intervening, Sey'ra was able to persuade the children to leave the care of the pup in his hands (with the help of some confectionaries) and ended up adopting the pup himself.Although it took time, Sey'ra was able to gain the pup's trust and Sirius is now a loyal hunting dog and beloved pet. Three noses are better than one, after all!Despite his intimidating appearance, Sirius is incredibly friendly and loves people.
✧ Sey'ra is a hobbyist Botanist and does gardening in his free time. He has a deep found appreciation for nature and enjoys learning about the local fauna and flora. He usually carries around a pocket journal for charting information and sketching out diagrams of the various plant species he encounters.
✧ Sey'ra is quite the chef and can hold his own when in the kitchen.
He is a bit of a gourmand and won't hesitate to try out a new dish (no matter how exotic it may be)! He is always happy to share recipes (as well as learn new ones).
✧ As a Machinist, he certainly has a bit of passion for machina. If you get him talking about his beloved Queen, he can end up rambling on for hours on end.
✧ Feel free to shoot me a /tell!
(I do tend to AFK quite a bit so if I don't reply quickly I am not ignoring you)
✧ I don't mind RPing on XIV or discord. Feel free to send me an add~
✧ I'm on Pacific Standard Time!
✧ I am generally looking for fun/low-stress RP as opposed to anything serious/hardcore and am not strict when it comes in-game lore accuracy. I am interested in long-term RP but we can discuss that after a couple RP sessions to test flow/chemistry.
✧ I am not looking for any relationship OOC, please limit it to IC only..(and be able to differentiate IC from OOC) Just a heads up!
✧ Must be 21+ if interested in ERP ;)
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